This study session introduces the unique attributes that define fixed-income secu-
rities, then follows with an overview of global debt markets. Primary issuers, sectors,
and bond types are explained. Key concepts for the calculation and interpretation of
bond prices, yields, and spreads and coverage of interest rate risk and key related risk
measures are presented. Securitization—the creation of fixed-income securities backed
by certain (typically less liquid) assets—including the various types, characteristics,
and risks of these investments end the session.
Reading 50 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements
Reading 51 Fixed-Income Markets: Issuance, Trading, and Funding
Reading 52 Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
Reading 53 Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
STUDY SESSION 17 : Fixed Income (2)
This study session examines the fundamental elements underlying bond returns and
risks with a specific focus on interest rate and credit risk. Duration, convexity, and
other key measures for assessing a bond’s sensitivity to interest rate risk are intro-
duced. An explanation of credit risk and the use of credit analysis for risky bonds
concludes the session.
Reading 54 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return